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    Ultimate Vacation: A guide to visit Rome in June


    Our top choice for must-see and must-do activities in Rome during June with focus on 2024 events

    With the summer approaching, the Eternal city prepares for all sorts of spectacular events that carry on throughout the season. If you are thinking of visiting Rome in June, there are many activities you should consider, to make your vacation just a little more “extra”.

    Exploring Eternal Rome: Unmissable Activities and Events in June

    First of all, you cannot visit Rome without exploring the Ancient and Imperial charm. The Colosseum is definitely on top of the list when visiting Rome, and the surrounding Archeological site of the Roman Forum and the Palatino hill make for a wonderful spot for an evening stroll, as the heat of the day starts to fade.

    Obviously you must visit the vast amount of Squares, fountains and churches as well, to cover the primary most famous spots. From Piazza di Spagna (Spanish steps) to Piazza Navona, the Pantheon and Trevi fountain and all the characteristic narrow streets in between.

    Head for the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel, too and you can’t miss Saint Peter’s Basilica.

    A walk in Villa Borghese, the green heart of Rome and a trip to the Borghese Gallery are a must. The cool breeze that blows through the centenary oak trees, will refresh your spirit on a hot summer day. And the Borghese Gallery hosts astonishing masterpieces, frescoes and paintings that you cannot find anywhere else but here.

    After you’ve covered all the most famous landmarks, take some time to throw a few extra items in your agenda!

    Luckily for you, Rome will have a great plan for visitors to discover every cultural, culinary and even musical event.

    Here are some events we highly recommend:

    A free experience for all to enjoy is the festivities taking place on June 2nd, the Festa della Repubblica

    “Republic day” is celebrated in Rome, starting with Italian President Sergio Mattarella, visiting the Altar of the Fatherland in Piazza Venezia, to pay tribute to the unkwown soldier, in honor of the Italian Patriots who’ve lost their lives during WW1. After that, the Freccie Tricolore, the acrobatic military aircrafts, make their first flight over Rome, painting the skies with the colors of the Italian flag. You can spot their performance from any high point of the City center, Gianicolo, Pincio Terrace.

    Seeing it in person is quite the show!

    The festivities continue with the Armed forces’ parade, that goes from Piazza Venezia to Via dei Fori Imperiali, next to the Colosseum.

    Heads’up: many roads around that area may be closed, due to the celebrations, but usually reopen in the afternoon.

    While some roads are closed that morning, you can take advantage of the many museums to visit in the area!

    On an definitely related note, Museums and Monuments have free entrance on the first Sunday of every month.

    Being June 2nd 2024 the first Sunday, it all works out beautifully. So this year, when the Republic day festivities take place in the morning and most sites will be hard to reach, you can spend quality time visiting Rome’s art galleries and Museums. In and out of the city. Not just on June 2nd, on the first Sunday in Rome, you can visit the National Gallery of Modern Art (GNAM) or the Etruscan Museum of Villa Giulia, the National Museum of Upper MiddleAges, Castle Saint Angelo or Borghese Gallery (pre-booking fee of 2 euros on the official site). The most famous sites in the surrounding areas of Rome that have free entrance on the first Sundays would be, Ostia Antica’s Archeological  Park or Hadrian’s Villa and Villa D’Este in Tivoli, Cecilia Metella’s Mausoleum or The Terme di Caracalla. Many, many different alternatives for a free visit

    Art experience and exhibitions – June 2024

    In Rome, “the Van gogh experience” is still open until September, so you might want to stop to visit this incredible interactive exhibition. Open Monday to Sunday from 10:00am to 6:00pm, and until 8:00pm on Saturdays, the exhibition is located in the “Next Museum” in Corso D’Italia, right in the City center.

    Another recommended visit is the World Press Photo Exhibition 2024, that is hosted by “Palazzo delle Esposizioni” in  Via Nazionale, that opens on May 9th and continues until June 9th. A contemporary, raw exhibition on recent World events.

    Live Music, local and Iternational performers

    A Music festival called “Rock in Roma” takes place from June to August in Rome. That gathers hundreds of people from all over, to enjoy a nice evening, listening to good music, explore local artists but also International revivals. There’s food stands and concerts almost every night. Look for Rock in Roma 2024 on the web and you’ll find the full calendar of events and artists playing.

    If you’re not that into Rock, there are smoother options to consider

    The Caracalla Festival 2024 takes place en plain air, in an Emperialistic setting, the ancient Terme di Caracalla. It host all kinds of events during the warmer season. Opera, ballet, theater, and more, all to enjoy surrounded by ancient Roman ruins of what once was an Ancient Roman thermal site. In June, this year you can experience Opera, from Tusca to Turandot, and the modern classical Trio “Il Volo”. You can experience Theater, with the Puccini Dance Circus Opera. And you can experience Jazz and soul concerts, local legends and International ones. By the way John Legend sings on June 10th, make sure not to miss it! These are just some of the activities playing out during the Caracalla Festival this year: he event will take place all the way to August 10th, and will have a lot to choose from. You can find all the details and book your tickets on the official website or by searching “Caracalla Festival 2024”,

    Speaking of Music, here is another activity we particularly recommend:

    Sunsets and drinks

    Many cafes and pubs in Rome’s more lively streets offer live music during June, but also during every other month. It’s not hard to walk into a bar and be transported by live music, the relaxed vibe and the typical Roman charm. What makes these moments more special is the romantic atmosphere created by the warmth of the Summer days and the sunsets full of promises. There’s something about having a cocktail, listening to good music and soft chatter, while the sun sets over Rome, that makes everything a little more magical.

    Movie night anyone?

    Summer in Rome is one of the most picturesque times of year to appreciate local traditions. To experience what the Roman life is really like. What do Romans do, to unwind, with the cooler hours of the evening, after the heat of the day? Host a movie night. Outdoors! An event called “Cinema in Piazza”, an outdoors movie theater, playing movies in original language, with subtitles.

    And all completely free! You don’t have to book your tickets. Walk-in is encouraged, movies start at around 9:00pm and you can find the full program and locations on the official webiste of Cinema in Piazza

    Foodies, no worries!

    If there is one thing that brings everyone together is FOOD. And when it comes to food, we could all agree that Italians do it better. To get a taste of real Roman cuisine, there are devoted neighborhoods you should look into. Wander through Trastevere and Testaccio for local favorites, or dine al fresco with iconic views. Rome offers a culinary adventure like no other this June.

    From pluri-generational, family-owned trattorias to the most hidden, historical Osterias, you’ll find the best food you’ll have in a long while are the simplest of meals. With classic Roman dishes such as cacio e pepe and carciofi alla romana, you’ll find plenty of delightful choices to indulge in the authentic flavors of the city.

    Why not make the most of your Rome vacation this June? Get insider tips and captivating anecdotes about what’s happening this year, along with timeless suggestions to ensure your vacation is unforgettable, not just this June, but for years to come!

    From exploring ancient marvels, to joining events like a local, and indulging in local cuisine, Rome offers a blend of history, flavor, and excitement. Start planning your unforgettable Roman adventure today and create timeless memories that will stay with you forever.

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