

    Skip the Lines: Expert Tips for Planning Your Hassle-Free Tour of Rome’s Wonders


    Booking skip-the-lines tickets in Rome can save you valuable time and offers you a smoother experience in the most popular attractions. Here is where you can find the best tips to plan your tour of Rome:

    1) Do your research

    Everyone has their own specific interests and needs, during a trip. Luckily for you, Rome has a lot to offer, for everyone. It’s just a matter of planning the itinerary, that is right for you.

    If you are into art and culture or the religious sites, like churches or museums, you should look into the specific sites online. Even though most religious sites have free entrance, like Saint Peter’s Basilica, there are many places that are owned by the Church, that apply entrance fees. Like the Capuchin Crypt and Museum, or the Undergrounds of the Basilica of Saint Clemente and the Catacombs of Saint Callixtus. Or the Pantheon, even. Yes, the Pantheon is a church, a Basilica for that matter. So entrance should be free. However, due to the vast amount of visitors on a daily basis, the Church alongside the City, have decided to apply a ticket. Just to guarantee a level of décor and respect for the venue, burial place of many influential personalities from Raphael to Italy’s last King and members of the Royal family. So surely you can find many unexpected places, Churches, Undergrounds etc, require for you to purchase a small entrance fee. Available in advance online too!

    2) Choose a reliable booking platform

    The web is full of tickets’ resellers and you always want to make sure to book skip the line tickets properly. To avoid any unpleasant surprises, on the day of your visit, when it’s too late to take action. We can’t stress enough how important it is to buy your entrance fees with skip the lines amenities only through the venues’ official websites. To avoid possible scams or buying tickets that are 3 or 4 times their worth! Because other than the amount you pay for a ticket, you want to make sure that what you buy reflects the venue’s correct guidelines. Which can change from time to time.

    We can assist you with this. We can guide you in the right direction, to book your tickets the right way, through the proper channels, for the more appropriate time. Or, for the fair price, you can purchase your skip the lines tickets through us, so that we can take care of everything “logistic” that is related to your tour.

    3) Skip the lines and Booking in advance is key

    So booking in advance, especially in cities like Rome, is always recommended, when necessary. When you have a tight schedule, like when you’re arriving on a cruise and only have a day to visit the Eternal city, you want to book in advance. Tickets especially. Skip the line tickets can save you so much time, and lines are usually quite contained. Whereas there would be almost an hour wait in certain sites, if you don’t book ahead, like for the Colosseum or the Vatican Museums. And waiting in line, for an hour, in the sun, is never a nice experience, let alone if you are on a shore excursion. Risks related to time are always heightened for cruisers. So book your tickets in advance. Some sights require entrance to be bought directly the day of, but for the major sights, Colosseum, Vatican Museums, Pompeii even, all better be booked in advance.

    One of our policies, as tour operator, is to make sure to book everything, tours, transfers, shore excursions and tickets, in advance, to guarantee the best price, availability and more importantly a smooth visit on the day of your tour.

    4) Check time and availability

    Most sights offer different accommodations depending on the time slots. You want to plan the itinerary for the day, also according to the amount of time you may end up spending in each site throughout the day. Depending on what you are in the mood for, most official websites would give you more information on what is included in their skip the line tickets. For example, entrance in the Colosseum, also includes access to the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill. But they also sell tickets that include the Undergrounds of the Colosseum or the Arena, only during certain times. Same for the Vatican Museums: you can include an open bus tour of the Vatican gardens in your ticket to the Museums and Sistine Chapel. So the duration would depend on what you feel like doing in venues like these.

    Give yourself time, no matter what. There is no rush. You’ve probably waited for so long to visit the places you’ll see in Rome. Why would you want to rush it, while you’re finally there? Depending on opening hours or the amount of time you’d be spending in sites that require advanced booking, like Colosseum or Vatican, you want to opt for entrance in the morning or later in the afternoon during spring and summer. And perhaps mid-morning and early in the afternoon in autumn and winter. Undergrounds should always be visited during the warmer hours, for obvious reasons. The temperature in the Undergrounds, as the Catacombs of Saint Callixtus, is famously cold, being so deep under the ground. Since you would feel the cool during a tour there, you might as well do it during hours that would allow you to warm up in the sun afterwards.

    5) Arrive Early

    Your ticket will give you all the instructions on how to maximize your visit:

    • What time your entrance is booked for
    • At what time you should arrive at the site
    • A map of the site
    • A meeting point, in case a guide is involved
    • What to wear

    Most religious sites require for visitors to wear modest outfits, so they may recommend it on their tickets.

    6) Finally, Enjoy your hassle-free visit

    After you’ve planned your itinerary, decided which sights you want to visit, booked all tickets in advance, you can finally relax. And look forward to enjoying your time in Rome.

    Or you can skip all the planning and book everything with us. Knowing that on the day of your visit, everything is taken care of, and planned according to your tastes and requests, will not only make a lot of difference in your travel planning but will actually lift a huge weight off your shoulders. A lot of stress, doubts and fears avoided. That’s what we’re here for: Let us take care of the Hassle, while you just focus on having the best time through the countless Roman Wonders.

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    price from €75.00

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    Rome by Night Tour and Pizza

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    price from €75.00

    Rome in a Day Tour

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A fallen soldier from WW1 that is laid to rest there to honor and tribute every Italian soldier who's fought and fallen in every war old or recent. You can notice An imposing horseman in a giant bronze statue, overlooking the entire city center, to magnify the importance of the Italian Kingdom in its glory days. And just above is a building, temple-like in structure, with white marble steps and columns, placed on top of one of Rome's legendary hills. Italian flags hanging on it's ends. This monument is really hard to miss. Fun fact: The monument of Victor Emmanuel, officially called Altare della Patria (the Altar of the Nation) is also known simply as the wedding cake. For it's distinctive shape, built in white, marble layers, one floor after the other. Resembling a big white wedding sheet cake. This altar shares its space with Capitoline Hill, Capitol Hill or simply known as Campidoglio. It is one of Rome's 7 hills placed in between Campus Martius and the Roman Forum, and it is head of the Roman Government, With an incredible square commissioned by Pope Paul the third and created by Michelangelo himself in the 16th century. But Capitol Hill does not only hosts Rome's City hall, the Mayor's office and the Capitolini Museums (which offers a vast amount of marble artifacts, artwork and other curiosities from Roman times) but it offers AMAZING VIEWS of the city below, on one end of the hill is Piazza Venezia, Campus Martius and modernization, on the other the Ancient citadel of the Roman Forum. A perfect balance between present and the past. Speaking of Roman Forum, you absolutely go across Via dei Fori Imperiali, an ancient way in Rome that crosses this part of town, with the Forum's archeological site on both sides. Envision Temples, Market places, Marble buildings and life conducted in these squares centuries ago. This is where Roman Senate would reunite, where citizens would gather to worship archaic divinities and conduct their business. To keep the Ancient Roman theme alive, walking straight through the ancient Roman Forum you will arrive at the Colosseum The one and only Colosseum, the Flavian Amphitheater An ancient, imposing structure built to delight and entertain the people of Rome, in the prime of its years. With gory, cruel hunts and gladiator fights but also fun scenes of Naval battles, where they would fill the Arena with water and float around in ships. A colossal building in the heart of Rome, to gather the people, to bring people together. We absolutely recommend a stop here. But Rome is full of wonderful things to see, in a fun, intuitive and entertaining way. With squares, steps and fountains and churches. Take Piazza Navona for example The most extravagant of Rome’s Square, adorned with the fountain of The Four Rivers by Bernini, and the church of his rival, Borromini. Visit Piazza Della Rotonda, where you can see the Pantheon, the best preserved and enchanting monument of ancient times. The Spanish Steps A wonderful square, world famous for the beautiful stair case that comes down from Trinità dei Monti with beautiful views of  Via dei Condotti, intersecting with via del Corso. The most "In" streets for shopping, with great boutiques and haute couture. Walking along the narrow streets you can find other curiosities such as the mighty Pantheon on Piazza della Rotonda, the once temple dedicate to All the Gods, the Ancient Roman building is now an active Catholic church. Then, of course there is the Trevi Fountain, a little further down the streets. Make sure to take tons of pictures of this magnificent fountain that attracts so many people from all over the world, in that small square. This private tour is a whirlwind of emotions! You'll be catapulted into the Middle Ages, Ancient Roman Times, then to Renaissance times, and back to Roman times. With a stop to grab a quick bite to eat, if you like. Your tour driver will know the perfect place. In fact, near the end of the tour, you will have to make another mandatory stop at the Aventine Hill, another majestic hill, hosting picture perfect views of the Eternal City. Then head to the Circus Maximus, where chariot races were performed in imperial Rome, as we can see in one of the classic American movies, Ben Hur. At the end of the tour, your tour driver will take you wherever you like to be dropped off at, hotel or other. This itinerary can be tailored and can change, so it's not a strict preview. All this is just to give you a taste of all the wonderful places you could see during your time out on the streets of Rome. *Upon request, the icing on the cake would be to reserve one of our professional guides: if you want to enrich your activity, we highly recommend selecting the service of one of our expertise guides for the day!

    price from €100.00

    Rome in a Day Tour with Colosseum & Vatican

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Speaking of Ancient Roman times, you will head for the Colosseum A stop to see the Mighty Colosseum up-close is definitely a must! Walk Ancient ways of the Roman Forum and Palatine Hill Drive by the Circus Maximus,a field used mostly for concerts and political events today, but it was once an arena used to entertain Romans while they watched and cheered during water spectacles, fights or reenactments. It was often used as movie sets, like in the film BenHur. To remain in the Roman theme, circle back around into the City Center, characteristic for it's narrow cobble streets that lead to so many wonders. Like the Pantheon! An ancient Roman Temple with a beautifully decorated dome and an incredible history. Created in ancient times, to worship All Gods, it is now one of the active Catholic churches in Rome. To learn more about the Pantheon, visit our blog! Then there's Piazza Navona, not to far from there. A Renaissance delight, with incredible architectures and beautiful fountains, like the Four Rivers fountain, by Bernini. The streets filled with cute little boutiques, old buildings, ivy crawling over the facades and window sills, reveal beautiful wonders, that you will not find in any other place on Earth! Like the Spanish Steps. A beautiful street with the famous sets of stairs that climb into the shape of a giant butterfly up to the square of Trinità dei Monti, which offers incredible views of the Spanish steps below and the busy Via dei Condotti, famous for the most in vogue haute couture stores. One of the adjacent streets hides possibly the most famous Fountain in the WORLD The Trevi Fountain is another mandatory stop. Embedded in a tiny little square, is the world famous fountain. With  sculptures of different water related scenes, sea shells, dancing horses and Poseidon. Waterfalls and pools of crystal clear water. What an amazing work of art. Make sure to toss a coin over your shoulder and make a wish! Legend has it, it will guarantee your return in Rome. All this touring can sure work up an appetite! Lucky for you, all of our tour drivers not only know the perfect places to see in Rome, they also love food and know the best restaurants in town! So your tour driver will be happy to recommend the perfect restaurants, trattorias or pizzerias depending on what you are in the mood for. Finally, you driver will take you at the Vatican Museums where you will continue the tour to explore the Museums and the Sistine Chapel! Prepare to sigh! We dare to find something as beautiful as the Vatican Museums and Sistine Chapel *Upon request, we can arrange one of our qualified guides to take you to a once in a life time experience inside the Vatican. Not to mention, you'll be able to also visit the Basilica of Saint Peter aside from the Museums and Sistine Chapel. In fact, since the entrance in Basilica is free and they've devoted its access only from outside, all the way in Saint Peter's Square, our personal guide would be able to have access of the Basilica from inside the Museums, through an exclusive entrance for guides. So this is certainly something to consider, should you want to include Saint Peter's Basilica to your tour. Other wise you will enjoy your time inside the Museums and Sistine Chapel alone, freely and at your own pace! Without having to stick to a strict itinerary a guided tour would inevitably have. Just know that depending on the number of visits in a day, some wings might be closed. But this won’t matter at all, we can assure you, there is just so much to see, you’ll hardly even notice! To fully assist you, we do offer the possibility of adding Skip the line tickets with privileged entrance directly during the booking process. At the entrance, the customer service will hand you a map of the site, for you to explore the different areas of the Museums and the Sistine Chapel! What you will experience would includes is a system of wings and halls and terraces, including the Cortile Della Pigna, Belvedere, Pio Clementino Museum, the Gallery of Candelabra, the Gallery of Tapestries, the Gallery of Maps, and Raphael’s Rooms. Next, you will visit the beautiful Sistine Chapel. The breathtaking, overwhelmingly beautiful creation for you to admire! From there, you'll head back to the exit, a trod on the famous cylindrical stair case. Another undisturbed masterpiece, called "Momo" designed by an Italian architect in the 1930s, inspired by Bramante's double helix staircase from the 1500s, inside the Pio Clementine Museum, a wing of the Vatican Museums. From the Momo stair case you'll exit the Museums to find your private tour driver eager to hear your opinions on the experience. And you'll return to your Hotel location in Rome in time for the afternoon tea.

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    price from €87.50

    Christian Rome and Churches Tour

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    price from €87.50

    Half Day Tour in Rome

    If you are looking for something easy going during your time in Rome, this half day tour is the perfect introduction to the city's most famous highlights. A rome in Half a day makes for the perfect tour! In four hours we can arrange a personal fun entertaining tour driver, pick up and drop off included.  If you have any specific requests, if you'd like to see anything in particular, please let your tour driver know! Drive by some of the most amazing places, like the famous Via Veneto, an exclusive street dotted with trees and a more tranquil living, next to the US Embassy with bistros and boutiques. Closed off by ancient Roman walls. Piazza Barberini, an amazing square in the historical center of Rome It hosts fascinating buildings, and a beautiful fountain resembling Triton. Drive by the Quirinal Hill, one of Rome's legendary 7 hills which hosts beautiful views of the Eternal city and the Palazzo Quirinale, residence of the President of the Italian Republic. Traveling through beautiful streets, you must make a few mandatory stops to visit sites like Piazza Venezia and Capitoline Hill, to view enormous monuments and breathtaking views From there you can stop along the famous shopping district Via del Corso, walk a beat into the quaint, narrow streets to reach the quintessential places that belong in any bucket list: The Spanish Steps and the Trevi Fountain. Beautiful Medieval, Renaissance wonders and Roman curiosities, above all. Continue by visiting other sites such as the Roman Forum and the mighty Colosseum. Take your time, walk around it, take pictures! After all, the Colosseum is the main event to many, for so many reasons. Before the tour ends, make sure to stop by the Basilica of Saint Peter's and its square More sites and curiosities, less known than the places listed above, will be brought to your attention during this tour. *Upon request, the icing on the cake would be to reserve one of our professional guides: if you want to enrich your activity, we highly recommend selecting the service of one of our expertise guides for your half day tour!

    price from €75.00

    Imperial Rome Tour

    Explore the Ancient, Imperialistic side of Rome with a personal guide in the Colosseum This private tour will cover every possible aspect of ancient times! This experience will help you understand more about a fascinating culture and civilization. You will pass through the gladiators barracks, and arrive at the most known monument in the world, the Coliseum. Here, you can stroll through the path of the victorious legions, up to Via Sacra, and into the commercial, religious, and political center in the Ancient city, The Roman Forum. The last stop is at the top of Capitol Hill where you can look at the ruins of the empire, before reaching the wonderful Piazza Del Campidoglio, planned by Michelangelo during the Renaissance to be the center of political powers. Take this private tour, for a time traveling experience in the Highlights of this Ancient Imperial civilization. An amazing private tour in Ancient Rome. This itinerary is designed to offer the best way to see and understand the ancient monuments of Rome: how they were built, how they were used between stories and also facts that will enrich the visit.

    price from €87.50